Sunday, October 25, 2009

Shakti - Ultimate.

This one HAD to go into the blog.

These guys had so much fun doing what they did - So pure, so genuine. Each one of them has an abstract theory about what Shakti is, but no one is conclusive to describe exactly what it means , yet they are successful in getting their message across to be what they want to it be seen as.

Shakti is all about improvisation but nobody that i know of has come to their class in classical(pun??) music even when orchestrated.
John seems to have such a minor part to play amongst such boisterous instruments around him, yet he adds that subtle acoustic guitar touch now then which adds so much beauty to the tune.
i could go on - but see and feel for yourself.

Zakhir puts it really well - " We are not a band - we are one".


Unknown said...

Nice post... "Our job is to express the cosmic emotion". Brilliant documentary. Thanks for sharing!!!

zudec said...

Thanks da.